I believe in Hyper-V!

Install the Hyper-V Role in Windows Server 2012 R2 and configure Virtual Switches with PowerShell

Hi to all! In this blog post I’ll describe how to install Hyper-V Role and how to configure Virtual Switches with PowerShell.
With PowerShell we are faster than with GUI, especially if we do in enterprises. And, of course, PowerShell is the coolest then GUI is ;).

Step 1.

Open PowerShell as administrator and type command below and press Enter:

Install-WindowsFeature –Name Hyper-V -IncludeManagementTools -Restart

After the server restarts open command prompt and type virtmgmt.msc. Hyper-V console will appear.


Step 2.

Now we need to configure virtual switches. On the Hyper-V host machine I have four physical network adapters. One network adapter is dedicated for Hyper-V host management and the other three will be for a virtual machines. All three network adapter will be external virtual switches.
First I want see which network adapter have available on the Hyper-V host.
Open PowerShell as administrator and type command:


I’ll use Ethernet 2, 3 and 4 as virtual switches on the Hyper-V host.

Step 3.

Open PowerShell ISE as administrator and type following commands:

New-VMSwitch -Name “VmSwitch name” -NetAdapterName “Physical NIC Name
-AllowManagementOS $false


Now we have Virtual Switches on our Hyper-V host.


We can see Virtual Switches when open Virtual Switch Manager console.


This is very simple PowerShell usage, but I hope that it will help someone ;)
If we want to create Virtual Switches to multiple Hyper-V hosts or if we want to do something else with Virtual Switches just need to use different syntax in PowerShell.

Enjoy the day!

Windows Server 2012 R2 Preview – boot from VHDX

In one of my latest posts I wrote how to install Hyper-V role inside virtual machine. Very often I need that scenario for demos. Disadvantage of that scenario is what can’t run virtual machine inside virtual machine. So, now I can’t avoid that and need “server on metal”! I decided to install Windows Server 2012 R2 Preview on my laptop but I wanted to do boot from VHDX. What is the advantages when we have boot from VHDX? You can run it on every hardware whenever you want. You don’t need to do installation from the beginning, easy migration etc.

Let’s back to the point!

Open Disk Management and Create VHD(X) 1a
2a 3a

Prepare bootable media with WS2012 R2 Preview. You can use DVD or USB. I have chosen USB created with WINDOWS 7 USB/DVD DOWNLOAD TOOL. Boot laptop/PC from bootable media. When the Windows screen appears choose Language, Time format and keyboard input method then press Next.

Keep in mind that we are not ready to install WS2012R2 Preview yet, you must first access your VHDX. When next window appear (Picture below) press Shift+F10 to open Administrator Command Prompt3

Type the commands: diskpart press Enter
select vdisk part=d:\WS2012R2Preview\WS2012Preview.vhdx press Enter
attach vdisk press Enter

Click Install now and on the next screen click Custom: Install Windows only (advanced)

Choose previously created VHDX, ignore warning Windows can’t be installed on this drive. (Show detail) and click on Next.

Install Windows Server 2012 R2 Preview as usual! After that, in boot process you can choose which OS you want use.

Now I can leave my laptop at work and go home only with newly created VDHX and can attach to home PC :D. I’m joking :). My laptop is always with me ;)

Enjoy the day!

Delete obsolete virtual networks with dependency in VMM 2012 SP1

Few days ago I modified network settings on one of Hyper-V hosts and also migrated two of VMs to another Hyper-V host. After VMs migration and changed network settings on the Hyper-V everything has been working like a charm! After I do that, on the Virtual Machine Manager I noticed that two network adapters are still there regardless of what no longer exist in Hyper-V host. That isn’t a problem, right click on VM Network and Logical Networks, and that’s it, but…!? When I tried to delete obsolete virtual network got error that have dependent resources on that VM Network like in the picture below.


In other words; when I migrate VMs from one Hyper-V host to another VMM didn’t “release” VMs from VM Networks. I’m sure that everything what I done, I did in the right way!
When opened View Dependent Resources I saw two migrated VMs and connected checkpoints.


The same dependencies are on the Logical Networks


In the next couple of hours I tried to figure out how to solve the problem! In the pictures below is few examples what I tried to do.

Tried to delete through PowerShell.


Tried to change all .xml configuration file related to VMs


At the end, what did I do? It’s simple but it’s manual work!

Step 1

Export VMs


Step 2

Delete exported VMs through Virtual Machine Manager


Step 3

Remove Virtual Network from the VM Networks and from the Logical Networks


Step 4

Import VMs



We are done!

Enjoy in day ;)
