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Transferring FSMO roles (How to Transfer FSMO Roles?)

Today I had to transfer FSMO roles from one domain controller to another. In this post I want to explain how to do. First of all I want to explain what is FSMO (Flexible Single Master Operation).

We have a five FSMO roles;

1. Schema – Forest-wide and one per forest.
2. Domain Naming – Forest-wide and one per forest.
3. RID – Domain-specific and one for each domain.
4. PDC Emulator – Domain-specific and one for each domain.
5. Infrastructure – Domain-specific and one for each domain.

If you want to transfer the FSMO role must be a member of the following group:


In most cases we keep the FSMO role holders in the same DC (domain controller) as has been configured by Active Directory installation process.
The transfer of an FSMO role is the suggested form of moving a FSMO role between DCs and can be initiated by the administrator for some reason or by demoting DC. The transfer process is not initiated automatically by the operating system.
FSMO role transfer initiated by the administrator is very simple, but when you have demoted DC then you have a problem.
The process of moving the FSMO role from non-operational role holder to a different DC is called Seizing, and is described in the Seize FSMO roles to a domain controller article.

You can transfer FSMO roles via ntdsutil.exe command-line or by using the GUI. If you prefer the GUI, you can use the following three MMC snap-in tools:
– Active Directory Schema snap-in (Schema master)
– Active Directory Domains and Trusts snap-in  (Domain Naming)
– Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in (RID, PDC, Infrastructure)

NOTE: You must be logged on the target domain controller. If you are NOT logged onto the target domain controller, in the snap-in, right-click the icon next to Active Directory Schema, Active Directory Domains and Trusts and Active Directory Users and Computers and press Connect to Domain Controller. Select the domain controller that will be the new role holder and press OK.


Transferring the Schema Master via GUI.

1. Register the schmmgmt.dll library by pressing Start>Run and typing; regsvr32 schmmgmt.dll and Enter.


2. From the Run command open an MMC Console by typing MMC.
3. On the console menu, press Add/Remove snap-in and select Active Directory Schema.
4. Right-click the Active Directory Schema and press Operations Master.
5. Press the Change button and then press OK.



Transferring the Domain Naming master via GUI.

1. Open the Active Directory Domains and Trusts snap-in from the Administrative Tools folder.
2. Right-click the Active Directory Domains and Trust icon and press Operations Master, press the Change button.
3. Press OK all the way out.



Transferring the RID Master, PDC Emulator and Infrastructure Master via GUI.

1. Open the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in from the Administrative Tools folder.
2. Right-click the Active Directory Users and Computers icon and press Operations Master.
3. Select the appropriate tab for the role you wish to transfer, one by one (RID, PDC, Infrastructure),  and press the Change button.
4. Press OK all the way out.



Transferring FSMO roles from the ntdsutil.command:

Caution: Using the ntdsutil incorrectly may result to loss Active Directory functionality. Be careful!


1. On domain controller, click Start, Run, type ntdsutil and click OK. The cmd will appear.



2. Type roles


3. Type connections


4. Type connect to server <servername>, where <servername> is the name of your domain controller you want to use.


5. Type q and then press Enter again.


6. Type transfer <role>, where <role> is the role you want to transfer.
    An example; transfer schema master, transfer RID, and so on.


7. After you transfer all five roles, type q and press Enter until you quit ntdsutil.exe.

8. Restart the server.

That’s all for today!

Disable IPv6 in Windows Server 2008 R2 all editions

This is old information but can be useful for those who read my blog.

We have three methods to disable IPv6 in Windows Server 2008 R2.

The first method is the fastest;

Open Control Panel –> Network and Sharing Center –> Change adapter settings –> double click on your network adapter –> Properties –> deselect Internet Product Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) –> click OK and Close.


If you want to completely disable IPv6 you need to use second and the third methods.

Second method:

– Click Start –> run –> regedit

– Locate the following registry entry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters

– In the details pane click New and then click DWORD (32-bit) Value.

– Type DisabledComponents, and then press ENTER.

– Double-click DisabledComponents, and then type 0xffffffff in Hexadecimal or 4294967295 in Decimal.

Note: The 0xffffffff value or the 4294967295 value disables all IPv6 components except for the IPv6 loopback interface.


Third method:

Open command prompt and type:

reg add hklm\system\currentcontrolset\services\tcpip6\parameters /v DisabledComponents /t REG_DWORD /d 255 /f


Migrate TFS 2010 Project Collection to another TFS 2010 server

If you want to migrate one or more TFS Project Collections from one TFS server to another follow this procedure. Procedure is very important and if you skip any step your will have the problem. For that reason read and follow this article from beginning.

NOTE: You can’t to migrate Team Project only, you need to migrate whole Collection. With this process you migrate Work Items and Source Control only. In my second blog post I’ll write about how to migrate Reports and SharePoint sites. That is more complicated procedure.

Step 1.

Stop Team Project Collection which you want to migrate.


Step 2.

Detach Collection.


Step 3.

Open your SQL Server Management Studio and backup database which you want to migrate. Before backup I advice to shrink your database (log and data).


Step 4.

Copy database on to your new TFS server and restore to SQL server.


Step 5.

Open Team Foundation Server Administration Console go to Application Tier >>> Team Project Collections, click to Attach Collection and follow the Wizard.


Your restored database will appear.


Team Project Collection is attached but with warnings about Reporting, SharePoint Products and Lab Management. As I mentioned before, you can’t to migrate Reports and SharePoint site easy.

Migrated Team Project Collection is up and running.


Step 6.

Check your migrated Project/s.



That’s It!