I believe in Hyper-V!

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Can’t create virtual machine in Windows 8 RP Hyper-V – Error:(0x80070569: Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.)

Yesterday I tried to create virtual machine in Hyper-V on my newly installed Windows 8 Release Preview and I got a strange error: Error:0x80070569: Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.

I need mention that I’m a domain user and local administrator on laptop. After a few hours of investigation I solved problem. How?
Open local group policy editor (gpedit.msc), navigate to;

Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\User Rights Assignment\Log on as a batch job.

By default Administrators, Backup Operators and Performance Log Users have rights but you need to add local administrator on the Local Security Settings on Log on as a batch job. Why? I really don’t know Sad smile.


When your are finished open command prompt and type gpupdate /force.
Now you can create your virtual machines on Windows 8 with Hyper-V role installed.


Enjoy in Windows 8 Release Preview!

NOTE: After I created first virtual machine with mentioned changes in local group policy, I returned gpo to default settings and after that I could create second, third, etc… virtual machines without any problems. Maybe this is a bug in Release Preview. Who knows! We shall see when the final version comes out. I hope this information will be useful for someone.

Windows 8 RP on HP 8560w Elitebook

Today I installed Windows 8 Release Preview on my laptop in a production environment. All went well until I installed the fingerprint reader driver (Validity Fingerprint Driver) from HP web site (this driver is for the Windows 7). When installation and initialization of the fingerprint reader was finished, I did restart after which Windows would not start, screen just flashes. Only you can do is to restore you system to the earlier time or like in my case, install your Windows 8 RP from the scratch and find appropriate driver.
It was easy and if you have HP Elitebook 8560w you can download appropriate driver for fingerprint reader from here.


The second thing that could be useful! If you are using more than two monitors, like me, and this monitors are connected with USB-to-DVI adapter, Windows 8 don’t have appropriate driver. So, if you want use monitors with mentioned adapters, download and install driver/application from DisplayLink site and enjoy in multiple monitors and in Windows 8 RP.



That’s it for today and have a nice weekend Winking smile

DaRT 7 – Remote Connection scenario

As I promised in my last post about DaRT 7, today I’ll describe how to use DaRT 7 (Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset) in Remote Connection scenario.

We have created DaRT 7 recovery partition for Windows 7 x64. How to create DaRT 7 recovery partition you can read in my previous post.


A user is working on his PC when he experiences a problem with it. The PC is now in a state, like BSOD, where normal boot is not possible.


The user contacts the helpdesk over the phone, and is directed to boot into DaRT from the previously created recovery partition.


Upon accessing DaRT, the user provides helpdesk staff with connection info from DaRT.


User need to click on Remote Connection and click on Yes.


After the user has confirmed that it wants to establish communication with the helpdesk staff parameters appears.


Helpdesk guy opening DaRT Remote Connection Viewer and enters ticket numbers to establish the connection.


A helpdesk worker remotely connects to the user’s machine, and uses DaRT tools to uncover a problem.


As you can see, Helpdesk guy is connected and also at this moment keyboard and mouse are locked for user.
The helpdesk takes control over the user computer.


It solves the problem, for example, originated caused by some updates, uninstall this updates and bring computer back to life.


The helpdesk employee reboots the user’s PC and confirms it is working again. The employee returns to productivity.





I hope this could be helpful for someone.